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Everything is possible regardless of due diligence/reflection/2D.~~!
- Amount. -
Chest (mid-hear) - 50000.
Half-body (mid-thigh) - 70000
Telegraphic - 90000
Add Object - 30000
Add Background
(Simple background or pictures are free)
- 30000
Add Person
- 50000
Complex Patterns and Clothes - 30000
- Order of operation. -
-> Deposit confirmation
Rough ->
primary confirmation
-> Secondary Confirmation
-> Forward
The modification is twice per confirmation.
Only simple color adjustment and correction are possible for secondary confirmation.

- Working Period -
The duration of the operation is 4 to 14 days.
We will give you a refund, discount, etc. if the working period is extended.
- Caution. -
-Gore is accepted but R-18 is not accepted.
-Copyright belongs to me. Non-commercial illustrations can be used for SNS, penbox, and promotion.
Non-commercial drawings are prohibited for modification, secondary machining and commercial use.
The work will be carried out in the order of deposit.

Please send me the details of the character's personality, expression, pose, etc. If you send us a reference image such as poses and screen composition, we can easily proceed with illustration work.
- Refunds are not available after the first confirmation.
1:1 Open Kakaotalk:
See Original

Profile Image 뽕딱

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